Immanuel Prayer Training: Beginning Refresher & Intermediate Training


May 16 - 07:00 pm


May 18 - 05:00 pm

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Pastor Patti Velotta / David & Malia McKinney


Reality SF Headquarters

1504 Bryant Street 3rd Floor, San Francisco, CA 94103

San Francisco, CA, US, 94103

SPECIAL NOTE: This Immanuel Practicum training is especially for those who would like to be a part of a prayer couseling team and learn how to facilitate Immanuel Prayer for others in your commnunity. This training, though open to anyone who would like to learn Immanuel Prayer, is being hosted by David and Malia McKinney and Reality SF Church with the goal in mind of having at least 20-30 trained Immanuel Practitioners who coach each other (give and recieve Immanuel prayer) at least twice per month, and are available to care for others regularly. 




Date and Time: Beginning/Refresher/ Intermediate
Thursday Evening 5/16 doors 6:30pm/ event at 7:00pm – 9:00

Date and Time: Intermediate Training. – Must have atttended a beginning/refresher class to attend. If you have never attended an Immanuel Training before, Thursday 5/16 is mandatory to attend these intermediate classes. 

Friday 5/17 doors 9:00am/ event 9:30am – 5:00

Saturday 5/18 doors 9:00am/ event 9:30am – 5:00


Fee: $49*


*The fee to this class includes a copy of Pator Patti’s book, “Immanuel a Praticum” a $15 value. 




There will be an 90 minute  lunch break on Friday and Saturday. There are many places to eat in the immediate area.


If you do not see video:

Immanuel Approach Training with Pastor Patti Velotta. 

Pastor Patti Velotta will teach and demonstrate the “Immanuel Approach” to emotional healing duing this training seminar.  

This is the first of four levels of Immanuel seminars Pastor Patti presents on Dr. Karl Lehman’s Immanuel Approach. However, she thinks that the Immanuel Beginning Seminar is the most important. In it she gives the Biblical evidence for intimacy with Immanuel, examples how to perceive Him in the Spirit, explains the brain science which forms the basis for inner healing, and teaches how to coach as well as receive the Immanuel Approach. Pastor Patti has seen Immanuel change lives in the first day of this seminar through intimacy with Jesus. She agrees with Dr. Lehman that the Immanuel Approach is the easiest, safest and most effective approach to inner healing as well.

  • Immanuel means “God with us,” and this promise is the foundation for all that follows.

  • Thousands of professionals and lay people around the world are applying the Immanuel approach to deepen intimacy with God, permanently resolve past pain, and discern God’s ongoing guidance. The Immanuel approach has also been called “Emmanuel prayer,” or the “Immanuel process”. 

  • Shifts the primary objective from “resolve trauma and relieve symptoms” to “help the person connect more intimately with Jesus by removing barriers between her heart and Him.” We gratefully accept the resolution of psychological trauma and the associated symptom relief as side benefits, but the more important priority is to remove blockages that stand between our hearts and Jesus. 

If you have been exposed to Sozo, Heart Sync or other inner healing methods, this seminar and training will equip you to help facilitate helping someone to experience a connection with Jesus, through the Holy Spirit and through their own connection find healing, deliverance and freedom in the areas of their lives that need it.


Immanuel Book

Also, as an attendee at this seminar you will also receive Pastor Patti’s 222 page book called “Immanuel – A Praticum” which outlines the step by step process of how to do the Immauel Approach, a $14.99 value. 

There will be a combination of teaching as well as demonstations and “labs” to experience the Immanuel Approach together. 

The Friday/Saturday Immanuel Training will cover the following topics:


  • To Advance each Participant in their Intimate Relationship with Jesus.

  • To Present Equal Amounts of Practice and Theory, including Demonstrations, Handouts and Videos.

  • To Give Participants More Confidence in Receiving and Coaching the Immanuel Approach.

  • To Establish an Immanuel Worldwide Perspective including Global Friendships.


  • Being with Jesus in Daily Life.

  • Remembering and Sharing Positive Moments/Connections with God.

  • Appreciating Immanuel for Who He is.

  • Finding Immanuel in the Present as well as in Memories.

  • Establishing an Interactive Connection with Jesus.

  • Transitioning from Positive and Painful Memories.

  • Navigating the Painful Side of the Immanuel Map.

  • Employing the Safety Net.

  • Receiving and Coaching the Immanuel Approach.

  • Sharing Biblical Evidence that is Foundational to the Immanuel Approach.

Intermediate Training THEORY:

  • Review of Beginning Immanuel Seminar Concepts.

  • More of Pain Processing Pathway.

  • More of Secure Attachment, Capacity, and Attunement.

  • Thorough Discussion of Relational Circuits.

  • More on Triggering, Verbal Logical Explainer, and Blending.

  • Coping vs Healing.

  • Higher Level Immanuel Interventions 

P.S. Here’s some links to Immanuel Prayer information from Pastor Patti’s site as well as Dr. Karl.  – Dr. Karl Lehman website – Pastor Patti Velotta – Immanuel Practicum YouTube Channel – Interview w/ Dr. Karl

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